I’m a Criminal

I wanted to let everyone know, all my readers, that I’m a criminal. I don’t want to deny anything, I’ve commited a few murders, bank robberies, and also I fully admit to the stabbing at Starbusters last week. Yes, this is all truthful Mr. Lieutenant Matt Kiederlen of the DeKalb police department. I did it all, come get me.
Well, now that I’ve incriminated myself, let me share something. Why would someone do this? Why would you have any documentation paper or internet that you’ve committed a crime? “Blogs under legal scrutiny” is the title of the article I’m talking about. Basically, soon they are saying police can legally come after you for stuff you say in your blog. However, I ask, why would someone admit to something in a public place, that could incriminate them? I mean if I was going to go murder someone (not that I ever would, but hypothetically) I sure has hell wouldn’t be putting it here. Granted I don’t really agree with this whole thing, I don’t think blogs are credible, and it’s really hard to prove that something is true. Just like you don’t want to Google “smoking is good for you” because I’m sure there’s a website somewhere that says smoking is good, but how credible are they. So overall I don’t agree with police being able to prosecute according to something written in a blog, but what fool would say something in a place that anyone could see?

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2 Responses to I’m a Criminal

  1. John says:

    I’d like to see it stand up in court. Chances are a blog is never going to be cornerstone evidence in a murder trial, but I guess it could be used as circumstantial evidence. Imagine if Scott Peterson made some blog posts that contradicted his defense. Like if he said he was going golfing in his post, but told police he was fishing. A law like this is more likely to be used in that fashion rather than: “Your Honor, the defendant admited to killing his wife in a blog post dated xxxx. By the way, we have no murder weapon, body, or DNA evidence.”

  2. PhotoFill says:

    Yea, true. really blogs can only give police a lead to a possible case. i mean someone searching the web may tell mr Kiederlen about this blog, and me admitting to all that, but soon they’ll realize its not true. or maybe they wont?

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