Northern Star’s poor pick of pictures

Working in the newspaper has taught me a lot about how screwy our news-media is in this country. Seeing on Chicago TV news stations broadcast about a kid who drown in the river in my home town and actually knowing the truth I realize that well, they don’t always broadcast the whole story. They only tell you what they think you would want to know. It is true that they can’t tell you every detail, but to me they leave out some very important details. They make the reader try and figure out the missing details, and well what the reader comes up with is not always what actually happened. This comes to mind when I go and take picture at a "bonfire" like the Northern Star likes to call it. Well yes there was a bonfire there, but well me being there I can see that was not the main attraction. There was an inflatable maze, a ‘bungee run’, ‘extreme jumper’, climbing wall, ‘spider web’ and free chicken wings and free drinks. This was all funded by SA (Student association) which was paid for by our student fees. So on today’s front page, I had a picture printed. Well it was a picture of the bonfire, how boring! I thought I got a really good picture of Kevin and Damaen running in the bungee run, also not a bad picture of Amanda and Alison in the bungee run. Basically they had a bungee strapped to their back and they had to run against it and see who could get that velcro strip the farthest. The picture of Jason upside down on the velcro spider web is interesting too. For some reason the designers of the paper thought that a picture of fire on the cover would look cool, to me it’s boring, and it’s my own photo. So sense I couldn’t get the good pictures printed, I’ll share them here:

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