The Big Day

So yesterday was the big day, the day I’m finally out of NIU. My commencement started at 2 PM, and out of more than a thousand graduates, I was the 32nd bachelors graduate to receive my diploma cover (not diploma’s, they are mailed in February). So after the Ph.D, and Masters got their recognition the Electrical Engineers went first, then us Mechanical Engineers, and I was fourth in our group of 16 ME’s. Pretty exciting time as you probably can imagine, lots of college memories (and pictures).
Just so happens Krissy walked today also at the 9 AM commencement. She was really done back in June, and graduated this summer, but because NIU decided to cancel summer commencement this fall was the time she could walk. So as you all know, click the picture below for more of my commencement.

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One Response to The Big Day

  1. John says:

    32nd? Hah! I was third – and only #3 because they put two gimps in front of me.

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