Birthday Bash

So Pete decided to do something a little different for his birthday party: get a hotel and go to some Chicago bars. I think it was a great idea, and after getting to the hotel one of his buddies hooked us up with, it’s something we should do more often. Anyways, Pete has this long description of what went on (somewhat exaggerated) on his site.

As he’s stated, I didn’t want to let him down, so I had to be the photographer for the day. So yea, thanks everyone for a good time, and Happy Birthday (on Tuesday) Pete!

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2 Responses to Birthday Bash

  1. Lynn says:

    glad u had fun and it’s about i hung out with u guys. you and your gf are super cute, she seems like such a sweetheart. ttyl phil

  2. Pete says:

    Click. Flash. Click. Flash.
    Thanks for coming out Phil! It meant a lot to me. Birthdays are just not the same without your ever-present camera.

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