Katrina – A Year Later

By: PhotoFill

Aug 26 2006

Category: PhotoFill


Katrina a year after

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5 comments on “Katrina – A Year Later”

  1. Tragic, then and now.

  2. Apparently Bush was there Monday, (yesterday) in Biloxi, where I was last Thursday.

  3. Yes, and he told them they had to stop relying on the federal government for help. The next day he offers millions to Lebanon which, while they definitely need help too, still doesn’t take care of our own people who are still suffering so horribly.

  4. yea it is pretty sad.. and unfortunate

  5. It’s look very sad and tragic. You know, after such tragedy that happened to people I always thought that I never go for another country. But, I was wrong. My wife Celine managed to convince me to do it. And last July we visited Cyprus for one week. It was amazing, just unforgettable! There were the fabulous ocean and wonderful sunsets and moon-glades, the comfortable villa and extremely night life. You may discover for yourself so much new and incredible. Our life is too short…

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